September 05, 2003
Weekend Cometh

From "It's been a hard week" Dept.

I've been looking forward to the weekend--as I'm sure that all of you have. Wendy and Henry commit their marital nuptuals tomorrow--should be a fun time.

I'm tired--seriously stressed the passed few days. I've been doing Quality Assurance on the applications that we are building; confirming business functionality. On one end, we've come a long way. On the other, we're not at the finish point by a long-shot.

That's just stressful.

I'm blogging at work now, trying to look busy--can't think. I'm congested and tired. I just want to sleep, but I have to pick up my dad at 6 pm.

Posted by taitoh at September 05, 2003 03:18 PM
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