August 25, 2003
Computer - I'm so excited!

From the "Dept of Computerdom" Dept.

My CPU should be arriving today or tomorrow. Let's hope all goes well.

I have chosen WinXP Pro and Gentoo Linux to be the two Operating Systems that I want to use. I would normally run Debian, but the Kernel compile scares the bejezus out of me. I am hoping that Gentoo can do the hardware detection for me. I am also looking to buy an Sapphire Atlantis 9600 Pro (includes Zallman heat pipe = no noise) and probably an Audigy2 for good measure.

One thing that bugs me about the antec case is that it has front panel Headphone and microphone jacks. I mean, I need a stupid, and I mean STUPID long headphone wire to reach the back of the case. Where is the ergonomics?


Posted by taitoh at August 25, 2003 09:09 PM
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