July 23, 2003
To all my female friends.

From the "This is what my coworkers and I talk about" Dept.

Before I forget, I just wanted to relay to all my female friends a simple strategy to help you cope with your boyfriends/husbands.

My coworkers and I were talking about arguments with our "better" halves. Margaret, who is married, said that her husband called her fat. This shocked us all because she's 5 feet 4 inches tall and about 105 pounds.

I told her, "The next time that your husband says that you are fat, tell him that his penis is small and that at least you can lose the fat."

With repeated use, you probably don't even have to say it anymore. A simple pinching of your thumb and index finger to "size him up" would suffice.

Nicholas and Ray suggested doing it in a public place; pointing at your boyfriend or husband's groin and "sizing him up" while running circles around him.



Posted by taitoh at July 23, 2003 07:51 AM
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