December 12, 2002
Very Tired.

This work thing is really eating into my sleep time

Man...Worked 27 hours in the between Monday (18 hours) and Tuesday (9 hours)... Today's 8 hours seems like a vacation.

Well, that said. THings are work are winding down. My client goes on Christmas shutdown this week and next week, so after that, I'm scott free to work on some niggling internal projects until the new year.

So Monday, I worked for 18 hours. Some of which were spent generating test data for an app that we are building for our client. The rest of the time was spent trying to build this presentation for a report that I had written examining the usability of the client's website. Seventy-four pages of text widdled away into a 45-minute, 30-slide presentation.

The kicker was that I never actually presented the Tuesday presentation. Kevin, the IPS (Internet Professional Services) Manager didn't feel comfortable in letting me present the report.

Guess, I'm too junior for him.

So I took the half-hour to prep my manager, Scott, to present in my stead.


The presentation, as expected, wow'd the audience.

However, there was "no joy in Mudville" (-- that's an allusion to the Ernest Thayer poem, "Casey at the Bat").

No glory for ol' Tai.

Oh well. Life is like that in Big Time Consulting.

Tuesday evening was customer appreciationg night for the team at Spacco's, a bar at Yonge and Eglinton. Fun time. Drank a bit too much (Ameretto and Ginger Ale + plus a shot)....was really pissed drunk (not to mention damn tired) for a point in time.

Got home okay. Fell asleep in my work clothes while waiting to take a shower.

Weekend Plans

Heading off for a 3-day weekend in Whistler, BC. It's snowing there right now....cross your fingers, I'd like to board while I'm there.

Let's hope I don't break my ass like I did last year. On the bright side, I don't have to buy a rubber "invalid ring".


Posted by taitoh at December 12, 2002 11:12 PM