November 25, 2002
Pixels and widgets version 2.0

It's time for a refresh

I've decided to spend one hour a day redesigning my site using the skills that i have picked up as an Information Architect at

Here is Phase 1- Macro Design:

Step 1: Solution Outline
Step 2: Current Site map
Step 3: Current Content Inventory
Step 4: Revised Site map
Step 5: Revised Content Inventory
Step 6: Wireframes
Step 7: Mock Ups
Step 8: Interactive Model

Step 1: Solution Outline

Scope: Rebrand Pixels and Widgets into a more personal site using standard W3C technologies. Eliminate or revise extranneous parts of the site that have proved elusive and hard to manage. Use a content management system for the serving of each page.

Salient changes:

  • Remove DHTML Menu (it performs poorly on slower computers and it is not accessible)
  • Generate a new Look and Feel
  • Use Movable Type as the sole Content Management System using CGI/PERL and PHP4 as the main technologies for information management.
  • Remove sections that no longer apply to the scope of Pixels and Widgets
  • Create a site using W3C Validated technologies (XHTML 1.1, CSS 2.0) that supports multibrowser viewing and accessibility software.

Technologies: XHTML 1.1, CSS 2.0, Javascript 1.2, Movable Type 2.5x, PHP4 / MYSQL, PERL 5, CGI Script.

Time for bed.


Posted by taitoh at November 25, 2002 11:19 PM