June 07, 2002
Coolnes factor, I did save Mike's iBook, and the Bier Market.

From the "I am 2 times more cool now" Dept.

I woke up today and packed my clothes up because I was to spend the night at Jen's House today. We also promised that we'd go running tonight too. So I packed my shooes and stuff.

Today i decided to wear a thumb ring and bowling shoes--instant cool factor.

Shannon was very distraught to hear that I didn't know about the change in venues last night. I'm like, "Uh, Shannon, I can't check email without an Internet connection. Next time call, please."

Looks like wearing a thumb ring and red bowling shoes makes me more cool but less of a nice guy. Hmmm.

From the "If I'm so amazing, why don't you hire me?" Dept

So Mike came in this morning. He thanked me for the install disks that helped rebuild his computer. I said, "No problem Mike, just think of all the wonderful stuff that I could do if I was here full-time!"

Mike laughed, but I decided not to joke around about my employment anymore. That's just bad taste, and CP has done a lot of for me already.

Ironically, Mike made a similar joke a long the same lines in the afternoon. I told Mike that we shouldn't joke about that....

From the "Honest Conversation" Dept.

I had a really great conversation with Sasa. He's a developer at CP. He has a real inquiring mind...which can be annoying because he questions everything. Anyway we had a great conversation about What we think about Design, how I fit in on the scale of things and where I think Design in New Media is heading.

My conclusion:

  • Mike and Peter were in the right place at the right time
  • I came into the industry right on the tail-end of the dot.com bubble
  • I should have taken more out of my time here at CP (I don't know if that's even possible)
  • If the job market is any indication, New Media Designers (HTML, Flash, Multimedia, etc.) will be required to know more backend functions, rather then just doing front-end work, and
  • If you don't have a degree (which gives credence to your profession) or previous work experience--you're in for a tough time.

Good conversation, I felt spoke eloquently--I guess that's what happens when your speak honestly.

Bier Market

Left work to go to the Bier Market--a tap house with over a hundred different types of beer. The last time I was there, was 3rd-year University. Saw Dan, Florence, Susana, Cris, Le, Carolyn. Good fun--until the waitress spilled beer all over Flow and Sue. At least we got a free round of drinks...unfortunately there isn't a drink called a "Virgin Martini". If there was, I suppose it would be water.

We waited for Jen for a long time. She didn't get there until about 10:30p. So I didn't go running today. We all had dinner at Marche.

It sucks that I didn't have a chance to run. I was really looking forward to it.



Posted by taitoh at June 07, 2002 11:18 PM
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